code atas


Welcome to the NHK. This surreal dramedy follows Satou Tatsuhiro as he attempts to escape the evil machinations of the NHK. …


1 day ago日本前首相安倍晋三演讲时左胸被击中两枪 目前处于心肺停止状态. 19 hours ago安倍晋三遇刺身亡 世界各国领导人回应 前首相安倍晋三Shinzo Abe周五7月8日在为议会选举进行竞选演讲时遭到枪击不治享年67岁安倍是. …


Thats why we thought its high time to explain BGP in a way that ordinary folks can understand. There are many versions of BGP suc…